Mollie A. Collins |
Town Supervisor |
(518) 355-7575 ext.393 |
mcollins@rotterdamny.org |
Jack Dodson |
Deputy Town Supervisor |
(518) 355-7575 ext.335 |
cjdodson@rotterdamny.org |
Joseph C. Mastroianni |
Town Council |
(518) 355-7575 ext.393 |
jcmastroianni@rotterdamny.org |
Teri A. Gallucci |
Town Council |
(518) 355-7575 ext.393 |
tgallucci@rotterdamny.org |
Ron Schlag |
Town Council |
(518) 355-7575 ext.393 |
rschlag@rotterdamny.org |
Diane M. Marco |
Town Clerk |
(518) 355-7575 ext.352 |
dmarco@rotterdamny.org |
Diane J. Martin |
Receiver of Taxes |
(518) 355-7575 ext.392 |
dmartin@rotterdamny.org |
Larry LaMora |
Highway Superintendent |
(518) 355-7575 ext.401 |
llamora@rotterdamny.org |
John R. Mertz |
Town Justice |
(518) 355-7911 |
jmertz@rotterdamny.org |
Kenneth P. Litz |
Town Justice |
(518) 355-7911 |
klitz@rotterdamny.org |
Michael Brown |
Chief of Police |
(518) 355-7331 |
mbrown@rotterdamny.org |
Bradley Canning |
Assessor |
(518) 355-7575 ext.396 |
bcanning@rotterdamny.org |
Alison Grace |
Comptroller |
518-355-7575 Ext. 394 |
agrace@rotterdamny.org |
Linda Testa |
Project Coordinator, Office of the Aging |
(518) 356-1561 |
Ltesta@rotterdamny.org |
Courtney Heinel |
Attorney for the Town |
518-464-1300 - Office |
CHeinel@rwgmlaw.com |