The Complete Streets Act was signed into law by the Governor of New York in 2011, and requires state, county, and local agencies to consider the convenience and mobility of all users when developing transportation projects that receive state and federal funding. This law requires that complete streets design guidelines be considered for the planning, design, construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of roadways receiving federal or state funding. A Complete Street is generally defined as a roadway that is planned and designed to consider the safe, convenient access, and mobility of a roadway for users of all ages and abilities. The Town of Rotterdam is considering adopting a Complete Streets Policy and attached is a draft for public review and comment. This Complete Streets Policy does not commit the Town from funding any improvements, but when public funding is available for transportation projects in the Town, this Policy will be considered as part of the design development of complete streets. This Policy also applies to all access roads constructed as part of private development projects that connect to publicly owned roadways. Please forward any thoughts/comments to Fred C. Mastroianni, PE at